Bridging Lanka

Bridging ethnic, religious and geographic divides through people-inspired action


Bridging Lanka is a development organisation which aims to bridge the divides of ethnicity, religion, gender, age, caste, education, ability/disability and geography through people-inspired action.

Our primary areas of endeavour include enterprise development, livelihood for vulnerable groups, environmental protection, urban planning, sustainable tourism and social cohesion. 

All Bridging Lanka’s projects are founded on a reconciliation intent, to create opportunities for interaction over the long term for groups in conflict.

Bridging Lanka draws upon the voluntary efforts of the Sri Lankan diaspora and supporters from around the world to work toward reconciliation, enduring peace and prosperity particularly for vulnerable groups including war-widows, unemployed young people, special needs children and materially impoverished villages. 

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Latest Campaigns

Killer Disease

We have stumbled upon a disease with a death sentence – chronic kidney disease among farming families in northern Sri Lanka. Increased chemicals in agriculture are reacting with 'heavy metal' soils and poisoning the ground water. An urgent response is needed to save lives. Read more…

Protect Forests...Launch Careers

Fresh eco-friendly career options are energising isolated and jobless young people in Kunchukulam, as an alternative to livelihoods that destroy forests and kill protected animals.  Read more…

Kulam Rehabilitation

With local villagers we are creating a ‘demonstration’ kulam to show the broader community how their encroached and rubbish infested ponds can be transformed into beautiful and productive public spaces. Read more…

Cafe Arokkiya for Widows' Livelihood

Imagine a group of widows busy preparing traditional Tamil food and fusion dishes in a busy modern café with groups of tourists and locals rubbing shoulders in downtown Adampan, Mannar District, AND creating a viable livelihood in the process.  Read more…

IT English & Leadership for Religious Leaders

What are the implications of the pace of global change on communities emerging from war? Without IT and English skills it becomes difficult for religious leaders to bridge the divide between ancient beliefs and the challenges of modern life. Read more…

Donkey Clinic & Community Education Centre

A great initiative that combines animal welfare and village development. After three long years, we have finally built the Donkey Clinic facility and have started treating injured donkeys. We now need to make the operation sustainable. Read more…


Helping Out

Community Harmony

Care for Environment

Education for All

Women + Community


Business Development

Urban Development

Project Reports and Strategies

Progress Reports

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